Sunday, February 28, 2010

Yokohama Incident “Found Innocent” – Toward the abolition of substitute prisons

On February 4, 2010, the Yokohama District Court decided to grant approximately 47 million yen to former defendants of the “Yokohama Incident” as claimed. Banners saying “Innocence confirmed” and “Found innocent” were hoisted in front of the court. The epoch-making decision acknowledged torture by the special political police and the responsibility of the judicial system. In the Yokohama Incident, a case of suppression of free speech, not only those committed to free speech but also many workers who belonged to workers’ groups in the Keihin industrial district were arrested and tortured. In addition, the late Kimura Toru, a former defendant, participated in meetings of the UN Commission on Human Rights to strongly appeal the seriousness of Japan’s “daiyo kangoku (substitute prison)” system (using detention cells in police stations as prison) causing false charges during his campaign for retrial that had lasted for more than 20 years. The best way to truly heal the wounds of the incident will be the abolition of “daiyo kangoku” that still exists. (M) Cartoon by Ichihanahana. HP of the Network for Retrial on Yokohama Incident

 2月4日、横浜地裁は「横浜事件」元被告5人に対し、請求通り約4700万円を交付する決定を行った。裁判所前では「無罪を認定」「雪冤成る」(無実が明らかになる)の垂れ幕が掲げられた。決定では、特高警察による拷問が認定され、司法の責任も指摘するなど画期的内容であった。言論弾圧事件といわれる横浜事件だが、言論人だけでなく、京浜地区の労働者グループも多数検挙され、拷問された事実も忘れてはなるまい。また元被告・木村亨さん(故人)らは20年以上の再審請求運動の中で、国連人権委にも足を運び、日本の「代用監獄システム」(留置所を拘置所代りに使う)が冤罪を生むと強く訴えてきた。今も続く「代用監獄」の廃止こそが、この事件に本当に応える道だろう。(M) 漫画(壱花花)・再審ネットワークHP

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