Friday, March 12, 2010

Japan's non-regular employment is escape from law! -- Kansai rally against discontinuation of contracts with non-regular university faculty

On February 27, more than 120 participants attended a "Why Limited-Term Employment? Emergency Meeting against Contract Discontinuation of Non-Regular University Faculty" rally was held at the L-Osaka Hall. Personnel concerned reported how the on-the-ground situation was, followed by committed discussion on the actual situation of non-regular and limited-term workers spreading around the country, with particular focus on university faculties. Mr. Shigeru Wakita from Ryukoku University, who has been working on the issue for 25 years, gave the keynote. Mr. Wakita said, "Japan's non-regular employment is a conduct to escape law, and is against the six principles of labor law. As in Europe, it is important to introduce statutory regulations against limited-term employment. Japanese common sense means lack of world common sense. Non-regular employment lacks stability and fair treatment of workers. It is important to establish the principle of 'equal pay for equal work'" and, at the end, added request to labor unions concerning their tendency to design their activities by focusing on male regular workers. (J. Kimura at the Kansai News Reporting Section) (See the report on the rally executive committee's blog.)

 2月27日、エルおおさかで「なんで有期雇用なん!? 大学非正規労働者の雇い止めを許さない関西緊急集会」が開催され、全国から120人以上が集まった。当事者の現場から報告があり、大学を中心に、日本中に広がる非正規労働・有期雇用の現状に対して真剣な議論が交わされた。はじめに、非正規雇用の問題に25年間取り組んでいる龍谷大学・脇田滋さんが基調講演した。脇田さんは「日本の非正規雇用は、労働法の6つの原則に反する脱法行為である。ヨーロッパのように有期雇用への法的規制が重要なのではないか。日本の常識は世界の非常識、非正規雇用は雇用が不安定なうえに待遇が低い。同一労働・同一賃金の原則を確立することが重要だ」と講演、最後に男性正社員モデル中心の労働組合に対して注文を述べた。(関西報道部・JKimura) 報告・集会実行委員会ブログ

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