The no-nukes human chain action conducted on March 11 around the Diet was a tremendous success. Countless people lined up surrounding the Diet building. After the sun set, they lit candles in their hands. A seemingly endless line of candles were seen in the dark. "I am sure there are more than 10 thousand people here!" said the organizer of the action excitedly.
one must have observed such a sea of protesters in the vicinity of the Diet,
probably, since the historic struggle against the U.S.-Japan Security Pact in
1960. The people gathered were diverse in age, gender or nationality, but
shared the same anger that was expressed variously in the signs they had.
"No more nuclear plants!" "Re-start (of nuclear reactors)? No
way!" "The Diet must listen to us with whom the sovereignty
protest was a relatively quiet one with no particular appeals except candles
and sign boards. It was the size of the crowd that was truly overwhelming. It
reflected the positive development that the no-nuclear-plants movement has
achieved during the last 12 months. (By M)
Ustream Video "Human Chain at the Diet" Photos of a march in Tokyo and the human chain (by shinya) Photos (by KUISAKO Ryuta)
Ustream Video "Human Chain at the Diet" Photos of a march in Tokyo and the human chain (by shinya) Photos (by KUISAKO Ryuta)
3月11日、脱原発・国会ヒューマンチェーンは圧巻だった。国会議事堂に沿ってどこまで歩いても人の列が続いていて、日が暮れるとそれは長い長いキャンドルの列になった。主催者も「1万人は間違いなく超えている」と興奮ぎみ。 近年こんな光景はなかった。60年安保以来と思えるほど、見事に国会は包囲された。子ども・若者・中年・老人・男・女・外国人、本当に多様多彩な人が怒りを一つに行動を起こした。「もう原発はいらない」「再稼働はとんでもない」「国会は私たち主権者の声を聞け」。一人ひとりがプラカードやポスターなど自前の表現方法でアピールしている。キャンドルを掲げるだけの静かな行動だったが、その人数の多さは国会を圧倒する力だった。3.11から1年、脱原発の運動は確実に深まり広がっていることを実感させた。(M)