Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Absolutely no to nuclear restart! 5,500 gather at “10 Million People’s Action Against Nukes” rally

All nuclear power plants in Japan stopped operating on May 5, 2012. On that day, there was a 10 Million Peoples Action Against Nukes rally at Shiba Park in central Tokyo. 5,500 participants were pleased at the stop of the production of nuclear power and determined not to allow its restart. The rally started with a concert of IKUTA Manji, followed by speeches of KAMATA Satoshi and SAWACHI Hisae, both writers. Mr. Kamata expressed his guilt feelings for failing to pass the nuclear contamination-free earth and Japan to children and wholeheartedly apologized to the people in Fukushima. He also referred to deceased anti-nuke activists who were unable to see all nuclear power plants in Japan stop operating. Mr. Kamata concluded, We will walk the street together with the activists spirit. (Y)

再稼働絶対に許さない!~「さようなら原発1000万人 アクション」集会に5500

国内のすべての原子力発電所が運転を停止した55日。東京港区の芝公園で「さようなら原発1000万人アクション」集会が開かれた。会場を埋めつくした5500人の参加者(主催者発表)は、この日の到来を喜び合うとともに、再稼働を絶対に許さないと決意を新たにした。生田卍さんのオープニングコンサートの後、主催者あいさつとして鎌田慧さんと澤地久枝さんが発言。鎌田さんは、自責の念に囚われる心情を吐露。子どもたちに地球と日本列島を残すべき責任を果たせなかった。この日を迎えられずに亡くなった反原発運動の先達にも、思いを寄せた。福島の人々には「本当に申し訳ない」と謝罪。「先輩たちの魂と一緒に、今日のデモ行進をする」と結んだ。 Y

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