Sunday, November 10, 2013

Kill the National Secrecy Bill! 2800 gathered for Peace Forum rally

On 29th October, a rally to oppose the bill for the protection of national secrecy was held at Hibiya Yaon Hall, Tokyo. The rally, sponsored by Peace Forum, was attended by 2800 people, mainly from unions such as local government workers’ union, teachers’ union and  private railways union. TSUJIMOTO Kiyomi, Democratic Party diet member, said “If this bill is enacted, even the lawmakers cannot have access to necessary information. Everyone, including lawmakers, would get 10 years in prison for probing specified secret. I will do my job as a lawmaker to kill this bill!” Oe Fumihiro, Secretary General of the Newspaper Workers’ Union (Sinbun Roren) passionately told “Information is for people who have the sovereign power and not for politicians and bureaucrats. What is needed now is not information control, but strengthening of information disclosure.” FUJIMOTO Yasunari, director general of Peace Form concluded the rally by saying, “Today is the first step. Let’s kill this evil bill, the bill for protection of national secrecy, by popular voice!  Let’s gather for the mass rally at Hibiya Yaon on 21st November!” The rally will be sponsored by an organizing committee consisting of 5 organizations including Peace Forum and Shinbun Roren. (M) 

10 29日、東京・日比谷野音で「秘密保護法案と立憲主義否定の国づくりに反対する10.29集会」が開催された。主催は平和フォーラムで、自治労・日教組・私鉄総連はじめ様々な労組が集まり、約2800人の結集となった。辻元清美民主党議員(写真)は、「この法律では国権の最高機関であるはずの国会議員でさえ情報にアクセスできない。特定秘密を問うたら議員も含めて懲役10年の処罰!なめるんじゃないよ。私は立法府に働く者としてしっかりと廃案に追い込んでいきたい」。新聞労連・大江史浩書記長も「情報はだれのものか、主権者である国民のもの。一握りの政治家や官僚のものではない。いま必要なことは情報統制ではなく、情報公開制度のさらなる充実だ」と熱弁。最後にフォーラム藤本事務局長が「きょうは第一歩。稀代の悪法・秘密保護法を世論の力で廃案に追い込もう。11.21大集会に集まろう」と訴えた。(M 

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