Sunday, May 22, 2016

“Free to dismiss and use without overtime pay” - Labor organization rally against Abe administration

On May 11, 2016, a rally named “Improve our employment and life – Down with Abe! The next arrows will be ‘Freedom to dismiss’ and ‘Freedom to use without overtime pay’” was held at the Hibiya Open-air Music Hall in central Tokyo. 1,800 workers, citizens and lawyers joined the bipartisan rally organized by the Labour Lawyers Association of Japan, with cooperation of various labor organizations, such as Rengo (Japanese Trade Union Confederation), Zenroren (National Confederation of Trade Unions) and Zenrokyo (National Trade Union Council). At the beginning of the rally, NATSUME Ichiro, the president of the association, said, “Prime Minister Abe is only saying something cozy, but we stay alert”. Then, NAKANE Yasuhiro, a Democratic Party member of the House of Representatives, KOIKE Akira, a Communist member of the House of Councilors, and YOSHIDA Tadatomo, a Social Democratic member of the House of Councilors delivered speeches, followed by many Communist MPs. These three joined their hands, strongly reassuring the opposition alliance to stop the deterioration of labor laws and the runaway of the Abe administration. (WATANABE Manabu)


5月11日、「雇用と暮らしの底上げアクション アベ政権はもう嫌だ!~次に来る矢は“解雇自由”と“定額働かせ放題”」が東京・日比谷野音で開催されました。日本労働弁護団らのよびかけで、連合、全労連、全労協、中立系など労働団体の違いを越えて1800名の労働者、市民、弁護士が集まりました。集会の冒頭、労働弁護団の棗一郎会長が「安倍首相が選挙を前にいいことばかり言っているが油断してはならない」と情勢報告をしました。国会議員のあいさつとして、民進党・中根康浩衆院議員、共産党・小池晃参院議員、社民党・吉田忠智参院議員が発言をしました。他にも共産党からたくさんの国会議員が駆けつけて登壇しました。あいさつをした3名の方たちはお互いに手をつなぎ合って、野党共闘で労働法制の改悪と安倍政権の暴走を止めていくことを力強くアピールし、会場から声援を送られました。(渡辺学) 

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