Sunday, January 7, 2018

Protest at Uniqlo flagship shop in Tokyo

On Dec. 17 2017, about 15 workers and citizens demonstrated in front of the Uniqlo Ginza shop in a high-end shopping district of Tokyo, holding a banner that says Uniqlo, please fulfill your social responsibilities to the workers at your supplier in Japanese and English together with the coordinator of Clean Clothes Campaign East Asia coalition (CCCEA), SO Sheung, visiting from Hong Kong.

 Jaba Garmindo of Indonesia was producing knit clothes at two factories for several international brands including Uniqlo. The factories were closed in Apr.2015 after Uniqlo terminated the contract with the supplier in Oct. 2014. 4000 workers, 80 percent of whom are women, have not received wages for several months prior to the closure of the factories and severance payments. Demonstrators also held up photos of these workers.

 Ms. So sent a request for a meeting to the department of Uniqlo responsible for sustainability before coming to Japan, but it did not materialize. As the protesters made appeals in English, Chinese and Japanese, shoppers walking on the vehicle-free Central Ginza St. looked into the banner curiously and some came over to get the fliers explaining the details of the labor dispute. (IW)




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