Saturday, November 29, 2008

Three Released and Welcomed with Cheer ~ 250 Gather at Protest Rally against Suppression of Peaceful Walk to Aso’s Mansion

A rally was held at the Sohyo Kaikan building in Tokyo at night of November 6 to protest against the sudden and unlawful police attack on the participants in the peaceful “tour to Prime Minister Aso’s mansion” with three malicious arrests. The venue was filled with 250 participants including the three who had just been released in the afternoon of the same day. The unlawfully-arrested, who were welcomed with a storm of applause, earnestly revealed what was going on during their detention and appealed for further support for their continued struggle. Hagio Kenta, a lawyer of Shibuya Kyodo Law Office, emphasized in support of them, “The suppression and arrest caused by the contents of the placards are unconstitutional, violating ‘freedom of expression’. We will demand the charge be completely dropped”. (T. YOKOYAMA) - The Rescue Group blog

「麻生邸拝見ツアー」に参加した人々に突然警官が襲いかかり、不当にも3人を連れ去った事件への抗議集会が11月6日夜、東京・総評会館で開かれた。会場には満員の250人が集い、この日の午後釈放されたばかりの仲間が元気な姿を見せた。3人は大きな拍手で迎えられ、勾留中の厳しい状況を切々と語り、今後の闘いへのさらなる支援を訴えた。渋谷共同法律事務所の萩尾健太弁護士は、「プラカードに書かれた内容で逮捕した今回の弾圧は、『表現の自由』を奪う憲法違反の行為だ。完全な不起訴を要求して闘っていく」と力を込めた。(T・横山) ・救援会ブログ

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