Sunday, June 19, 2011

First step to move the government: Negotiation with MEXT to demand repeal of annual 20 mSv limit

On May 23, 2011, 60 people from Fukushima Prefecture joined a negotiation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to demand the annual 20 mSv limit of radiation be repealed. More than 500 supporters for the people from Fukushima formed a human chain to surround the ministry. The two-hour negotiation made Mr. Watanabe, assistant director of the science, technology and academic policy division of the ministry, pledge, “20 mSv a year is not a standard. Our target is 1 mSv/year”. NAKATE Seiichi, leader of a grassroots group named “Fukushima Network”, said, “We succeeded in getting a pledge from the ministry, although there was not the real person in charge. I am sure this is the first step to move the government, but this is just a beginning”. (YUMOTO Masanori) – Video: YouTube – Video: OurPlanet TVCartoon by Ichihanahana: “Guinea pigs”  * Photo: People negotiating with MEXT

5月23日、20ミリシーベルト/年の撤回を求める文科省交渉が行われ、福島からバス2台・60名の代表が参加した。文科省前には、500名以上の支援者が集まり、文科省を完全に包囲するヒューマンチェーンが完成した。交渉は2時間に及び、渡辺文科省科学技術・学術政策局次長から「20ミリシーベルト/年は、基準ではない。1ミリシーベルト/年をめざす」の2点を確認点として引き出した。今回の交渉について「福島ネットワーク」代表の中手聖一さんは、「残念ながら文科省の責任者不在の交渉ではありましたが、ある程度文科省に詰めよることができました。国を動かす第一歩であったことは間違いありません。しかし、これから始まるのだとも思います」とまとめた。(湯本雅典)・動画(YouTube)動画(OurPlanet-TV 山本太郎インタビューあり) ・壱花花の漫画「モルモット」 *写真=文科省で交渉する人たち

1 comment:

ManchesterUTD said...

Open Sesamemoney advance

Historical research surveys have shown the presence of prehistorical human beings in this area tens of thousands years ago. The successive ancient cultures are the Soi Nhụ culture around 18,000-7000 BC, the Cái Bèo culture 7000-5000 BC and the Hạ Long culture 5,000-3,500 years ago. Hạ Long Bay also marked important events in the history of Vietnam with many artifacts found in Bài Thơ Mout, Đầu Gỗ Cave, Bãi Cháy