Thursday, December 29, 2011

I cannot afford to die! Apologize now! – 1,300 surround MOFA, demanding solution of “Comfort women” issue

On December 14, 2011, roars of right wingers and nationalists carrying Japan’s Hinomaru national flags covered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). Despite the chaotic situation, citizens carrying placards and banners came to the building of the ministry one after another to immediately surround it. This day was when the 1,000th Wednesday demonstration of former Korean “comfort women” during World War II was held in Seoul. However, the Japanese Government continues to ignore their demands, and their rights have not been restored yet. The action to surround the MOFA was to urge the Japanese Government to resolve the “comfort women” issue. SON Sindo, an 88-year old former “comfort women” for the Japanese Imperial Army during the war, was on a wheelchair to join the action. Ms. Son shouted at the top of her voice among many news reporters, “Apologize immediately. I cannot afford to die yet”. The “human chain” surrounding the MOFA was finally joined by more than 1,300 persons, and succeeded in repelling the rightists’ obstruction. (M) Photo flash * “Asu mo Hare (Tomorrow is also fine)” * Video: YouTube (3 minutes 30 seconds) * 1,000th demonstration in Seoul, Korea (YouTube) * Photo: SON Sindo and her supporters encouraging together


12月14日昼、外務省周辺は日の丸を掲げた右翼・在特会の一団による怒号で騒然とした状況だった。そんな中、続々とプラカードや横断幕をもった市民が集まり、あっというまに外務省をぐるっと取り囲んだ。韓国の日本軍「慰安婦」によるソウルの水曜デモはこの日で1000回を迎えるが、日本政府は黙殺を続け、被害女性の人権はいまだ回復されていない。この日の外務省包囲アクションは、日本政府に解決を迫るものだった。88歳の宋神道(ソンシンド・日本軍「慰安婦」被害者)さんは、車イスで駆けつけた。取材陣が殺到する中、宋さんは「早く謝罪してほしい。死んでも死にきれない」とふりしぼるように叫んだ。「人間の鎖」参加者は1300人をこえ、右翼の妨害を圧倒し成功裏に終了した。(M) 写真速報 ・「明日も晴れ」写真報告 ・動画(YouTube・3分30秒) ・韓国ソウルの1000回目のデモ(YouTube)  *写真=支援者とエール交換する宋神道さん


Dream said...

“Come on, you three,” Mr. Weasley said quietly. But Hermione didn’t seem to want to move; her eyes were still upon the sobbing elf. “Hermione!” Mr. Weasley said, more urgently. She turned and followed Harry and Ron out of the clearing and off through the trees.
“What’s going to happen to Winky?” said Hermione, the mo¬ment they had left the clearing.
“I don’t know,” said Mr. Weasley.
“The way they were treating her!” said Hermione furiously. “Mr. Diggory, calling her ‘elf’ all the time … and Mr. Crouch! He knows she didn’t do it and he’s still going to sack her! He didn’t care how frightened she’d been, or how upset she was — it was like she wasn’t even human!”
“Well, she’s not,” said Ron.
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Martha Layne Collins (born 1936) is a businesswoman and politician from Kentucky who was the state's 56th governor from 1983 to 1987. Prior to her election as governor, she was the 48th Lieutenant Governor of Kentucky, serving under John Y. Brown, Jr. She is the only woman to have been governor of Kentucky, and her election made her the highest-ranking Democratic woman in the U.S. at the time. She was considered as a possible running mate for Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale in the 1984 presidential election, but Mondale chose Geraldine Ferraro instead.
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