Wednesday, December 11, 2013

History of struggles in discrimination against temp workers and women—'Another rail workers’ struggles' published

It is a well-known fact that 1,047 workers stood up to be reinstated after the company denied them employment some 26 years ago when the national railway company was privatized. On the other hand, it is very little known that more than 6,000 temp workers were dismissed en masse across the nation.
 This book illustrates a history of 42 years of struggle of WADA Hiroko, who was hired as a temp worker at 18 at Osaka construction bureau of the national railway company in 1972. Ever since then, she continued her struggle against discrimination as temp worker and against unfair dismissal after she was dismissed in 1983.
 The book shows how anyone can bring her struggles closer to victory against the government if she has comrades and supporters along with the commitment to fight and anger toward discrimination. (By KUGE Itaru)

 26 年前、国鉄が分割・民営化されたとき、JRへの採用を拒否された1047名が解雇撤回闘争に立ち上がったことは知られていますが、その直前、全国で 6000名以上の臨時雇用員が一斉に解雇されたことはほとんど知られていません。本書は、1972年、18才で国鉄大阪工事局に臨時雇用員として採用され て以降、国労大阪工事局分会婦人部長として臨時労働者差別、女性差別と闘い、83年に解雇されてからは、不当解雇と闘い続けた和田弘子さんの、42年間に わたる半生をかけた闘いの記録です。差別への怒りをバネに、とことん闘う気概を持ち、支えてくれる仲間たちがいれば、たとえ一人の闘いであったとしても、 国を相手に勝利に手が届くところまで進むことが出来ることを本書は教えてくれます。(久下格) 全文三一書房HP

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