Wednesday, December 18, 2013

‘Let’s eradicate working poor in public service!’~180 people gathered for the meeting

On November 23, the meeting Lets eradicate working poor in public service! was held in Osaka and a roomful of 180 people participated. The participants listened closely to and took notes of the speeches during the four-hour event. A wide variety of subjects were presented. An irregular employee spoke of his working conditions, while workers talked about their struggles against irrational employment contract that is not renewable and terminated within 3 or 5 years. There was also a report about a case study of non-renewal employment contracts and implementation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications researches, as well as a report about the research conducted by Mayor of Seoul in South Korea, who is taking  measures against the non-regular employment issue. The participants also heard from scholars and researchers such as NISHITANI Satoshi, WAKITA Shigeru, KAMBAYASHI Yoji, and so on.  (By SHIRAISHI Takashi)


11 月23日午後、新大阪で「なくそう!官製ワーキングプア大阪集会」が 開催され、会場いっぱいの180名が参加した。一部の参加者は立見や床に座り込みながら、4時間近い集会に最後まで参加、メモを取りながら発言に聞き入っ た。集会は非正規当事者からの発言、法的裏付けもないままに3年とか5年で雇い止めになる理不尽さと闘っているメンバーによるミニシンポ、雇い止め裁判の 解説、総務省調査の活用事例や非正規対策を進めるソウル市長調査報告に、西谷敏、脇田滋、上林陽治さんら学者、研究者のコメントなど、多彩な内容となっ た。(白石孝) 

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