Wednesday, June 11, 2014

‘Don’t turn Japan into a country that wages war by the cabinet decision!’ ~Angry women speak out in front of the prime minister’s office

Some 350 people gathered on May 27 for the “Urgent Action---Don’t turn Japan into a country that wages war by the cabinet decision!” in front of the prime minister’s office.  The ruling parties were having the second meeting on collective self-defense. The action was organized by the executive committee of the campaign “Don’t Destroy Article 9 by Interpretation!” which was set up by 133 groups. A wide range of people from religious groups, trade unions, civil organizations and so on rallied that day, and women made up the great majority of the participants. “Now life and peace are in danger,” “We’ll never let them turn Japan into a country that goes to war,” people shouted. Every speech was full of anger. With pen lights in their hands, they chanted, “We say NO! to the reinterpretation of the constitution!” The voices must have reached the prime minister’s office. At the end of the rally, one of the organizers asked participants to increase pressure on members of the New Komeito Party, a junior coalition of the Liberal Democratics. “Abe administration is bewildered by the rising chorus of opposition. What is most important now is to reach out to Komeito congressmembers. Fax them as soon as you get home,” he said.  (By M)


集 団的自衛権問題の2回目の与党協議が行われた5月27日、官邸前で「閣議決定で“戦争する国”にするな!緊急国会行動」が取り組まれ、350人が集まっ た。主催は133団体が結集した「解釈で憲法9条を壊すな!実行委員会」。宗教者から労組・市民団体など幅広い構成だが、この日の参加は圧倒的に女性が多 かった。「いま命と平和が最大の危機」「人を殺す戦争する国に絶対にさせない」。どのスピーチも怒りでいっぱいだった。ペンライトを手にした「解釈改憲反 対」の大コールは官邸に届いたはずだ。集会の最後に主催者は「安倍は反対世論の広がりに動揺している。いま一番大事なことは公明党議員に働きかけること。 帰ったらすぐFAXしよう」と具体的行動を呼びかけた。(M) 

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