Saturday, February 7, 2015

Don’t let Abe administration bully Okinawa!—Urget Action at Defense Ministry on Jan. 16

Some 120 people gathered at the Defense Ministry in Tokyo on Jan. 16 to protest against the government’s forcible reclamation of Henoko. People reported how protesters along with the local Okinawans were trying to stop transportation of construction materials and equipment. Violent crash between the protesters and the government was taking place as it was forcing to install the floating bridge. Some 20 canoes went over the floating bridge and protested, but 17 people were arrested by the Maritime Safety Agency and one boat was confiscated. People continued their sleepless sit-in at Camp Schwab in an attempt to stop the transportation of building materials.
 A young woman at the Defense Ministry expressed her anger against the Abe administration that refused to meet the new Okinawa Governor Onaga, who came to Tokyo three times to convey the voices of his people. She said that she could not oversee bullying of Okinawa by the government. (By Shinya)
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安倍政権の沖縄い じめは許せない!~1.16防衛省前緊急行動
1月16日18時半から、東京・市ヶ谷の防衛 省前で緊急抗議要請行動があり、120名が駆けつけた。辺野古現地ら電話の報告が行われ、埋め立てを巡っ ての攻防戦が、安倍政権の強引な工事機材搬入、浮桟橋設置によって激しさを増していることが知らされ た。この日もカヌー隊20艇がフロートを越えて浮桟橋設置現場に突入し抗議行動を行ったが、海上保安庁 の海猿に17名が拘束され、抗議船も一隻拘束された。陸上でも資材搬入を食い止めようと、シュワブゲー ト前で機動隊と激しくもみ合いながら24時間体制の座り込みをつづけている。防衛省前に駆けつけた若い 女性は、県民の意志を伝えようと3回も上京した翁長新知事に会おうとせず、沖縄振興予算を削り、工事予 算をアップした安倍政権の姑息な沖縄いじめは許せないと怒りの声を上げた。(shinya)

 写真報告1.25国会包囲 ヒューマン

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