The solemn gathering in front of the prime minister’s office was filled with
sorrow and quiet anger though surrounded by nearly 50 reporters. In the evening
of Feb. 1, some 200 people participated in the protest called for by Citizens’ Network against Constitutional Revision were calm, but apparently
shocked. One of the signs held by them read “Only the diplomacy for
not making enemies can protect Japanese people,”
expressing a strong criticism against the prime minister who induced the
tragedy and keeps provoking terrorists with aggressive words. ”I am too appalled to say anything. It is really tragic that we have
the prime minister like him,” said OKI Seiko, a peace
activist, after searching for words for a few seconds as she was asked what she
wanted to say to Prime Minister Abe. (By M)
2 月1日 夕方、官邸前は哀しみと静かな怒りに包まれた。「許すな!憲法改悪・市民 連絡会」が呼びかけた「哀しみと抗議の官邸前サイレント・アクション」であ る。約200人 の市民と50人近いメディアでごったがえしたが、静けさと呆然とした参加 者の表情が印象的だった。メッセージボードに書かれた「敵を作らな い外交こそが日本人を守る」という文字。今回の事態を誘発しテロに屈しないと好戦的姿勢をむき出しにする安倍首相への痛烈な批判だった。平和活動家の大木 晴子さんは「安倍さんに言いたいことは?」の問いに、しばらく言葉につまりながらも、「もの言えないほどあきれています。この人 が日本のトップだというこ とは悲惨なことです」と語った。(M)
・動画(YouTube 4分)
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