As soon as the Rio
Olympics and Paralympics came to a close in fall, the Tokyo government,
together with the private sector, seems to be getting ready for the 2020 Tokyo
Olympics. Calling to return to the original spirit of the Olympic Games, TANIGUCHI
Gentaro, a sports critic, gave a lecture on Dec. 4 at Space Tampopo in Tokyo on
"Behind the scenes of the Tokyo Olympics, its darkness and its concerns."
He questioned for whom and for what the Tokyo Olympics was planned. It seems as
though Prime Minister ABE Shinzo and former prime minister MORI Mitsuro, also a
chairman of the Olympic Organizing Committee, were trying to show Japan’s national
pride and great power to the world. Mori likes to refer to the saying,
"One for All, and All for One," by which he implies self-annihilation
for the sake of one's country. Setting a goal of winning 30
gold medals while hiding nuclear contamination and devastation that still haunts
the tsunami-affected region can hardly be called, ‘The Olympics toward restoration,’
but the greatest deception. (By SASAKI Yumi)
リオが終わりいよいよ本番とばかり2020東京オリンピックへ官民一体の本格的な取り組みが始まっている。このままその渦にまきこまれていいのだろうか。オリンピックを原点にもどって考えようと、スポーツ評論家・谷口源太郎さん(写真)の講演会「オリンピックの闇と病み」が12月4日東京・スペースたんぽぽで開かれた。今回の東京オリンピックは、何のため、誰のために仕組まれたのだろうか。「安倍・森(オリンピック組織委員会会長)の狙いは、国威発揚と国家威信を世界に顕示すること」。国家プロジェクトなのだから文句を言わずについてこいというのが、彼らのやり方だ。森は“one for all, all for one”という言葉が好きだが、これこそ“滅私奉公”だと真逆のコメントをしているという。「金メダル30個の目標を掲げ、原発事故の現実を押し隠す“復興オリンピック”こそ、最大の欺瞞だ」と谷口さんは語った。(佐々木有美)
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