Friday, October 17, 2008

Dispute at Citizen Seimitsu Korea Solved ? Delegates Leave a Message

On September 12, 2008, an agreement was reached and concluded between the Korea Metal Workers’ Union affiliated to the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), which is the superior body of the Citizen Seimitsu Korea Union, and JT Precision established by Koryo TTR that acquired all the shares of Citizen Seimitsu Korea. According to the agreement, JT Precision will resume operations, drop any charges against the union, reinstate the fourteen dismissed workers, hire union members and take over lengths of service specified in the collective agreement, as well as preparing the settlement package, securing the volume of orders to be received from Citizen Watch Co., Ltd., the previous parent company, for two years for employment stabilization, and maintaining the 2008 collective agreement on the wage. Upon the agreement, all of the South Korean delegates to Japan that continued their struggle in front of the Citizen Headquarters returned to their country on September 13. They released their “Message upon Return to South Korea” (see photo) in Union Tube.


 9月12日、韓国シチズン精密労組の上部団体である民主労総金属労組と韓国シチズン精密の全株を買い取った高麗TTRが設立したJT精密とが合意に達し、協定が結ばれた。合意書では、9月18日から操業を再開、会社側は労組に対する一切の告訴告発と14名の解雇撤回、組合員の雇用および労組の団体協約勤続年数の継承を認めたほか、解決和解金などの支払い、雇用安定のために従来の親会社であった日本のシチズン時計に対して2年間の受注物量を確保する、2008年賃金団体協約を維持するなどだ。これにより、6月に来日しシチズン本社前で闘争を続けていた日本遠征団も13日に全員が帰国した。またユニオンチューブに「帰国の辞」(写真)を発表した。 (UnionTube

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