Labornet Japan is a network of citizens, unionists, activists, scholars and others from all walks of life to share information especially about rights and struggles in and outside of Japan. Established in 2001, the group now has more than 600 members, and the membership is growing. The English site introduces some reports shared on Labornet Japan website and other sources outside of Japan.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
'We Must Protect Freedom of Expression' ~ Principal Dohi Openly Criticizes Tokyo Board of Education
Tokyo Mitaka High School Principal Nobuo Dohi (See photo) is demanding that Metropolitan Board of Education hold open discussion on its prohibition of voting on resolutions by hand-raising. Since the education board refuses to respond, Dohi expressed his true opinions at a gathering titled, "In demand for freedom of expression at schools," which was held in Tokyo on Sept. 27. As public interests in this issue are widespread, a few hundred attendees poured outside the venue with a capacity of 350 before the event opened. Dohi talked for more than an hour about how much the education board had suppressed expression at educational institutions. "School principals are treated like convenience store managers, and we are made to act like robots that obey orders from the top. This is making things worse for teachers and students: They are the victims. We must protect freedom of expression, which is the most important principle at schools, otherwise, you can no longer call them places of learning. That's why I stood up," he said. Applaud filled the hall. Following Dohi's speech, a panel discussion was held among Atsuchi Okamoto, Hidenori Fujimoto, Naoki Ogi, Tetsu Ishizaka and Hirofumi Nishihara. (By T. Yokoyama) See video (Union Tube) Related video clips (MX-TV)
都立三鷹高校の土肥信雄校長(写真)は、職員会議の挙手・採決禁止を通知した都教委に反旗を翻して、公開討論を求めている。都教委がこれに応じないため、9月27日東京で開かれた「学校に言論の自由を求めて」の集会で、思いのたけを語った。この問題への関心は高く、350人の会場は開会前にあふれ、数百人が入場できなかった。土肥さんは約1時間にわたって、都教委が教育現場で言論を圧殺してきたことを生々しく語った。「校長はコンビニ店長扱いで、上意下達のロボットにされている。これで被害を受けるのは教員であり生徒だ。学校で一番大事な言論の自由がなくなったら終わり、だから立ち上がった」と訴えると、割れんばかりの拍手が起きた。また、岡本厚・藤田英典(ひでのり)・尾木直樹・石坂啓・西原博史(ひろふみ)の各氏によるパネルトークもあった。 (T・横山)・動画(UnionTube)
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