Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A DVD entitled "Iraq Veterans Uprising" Completed - Appeal from Patricia

A DVD entitled "Iraq Veterans Uprising" has now been completed. Patricia McCann of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) actively staging anti-war actions around the US visited Japan this summer by invitation of Zenko (National Assembly for Peace and Democracy" She gave talks to young people describing her Iraq War experiences as well as specifically introducing energetic activities of IVAW across the inside and outside the military. Patricia gave insight into the reality behind the fact that actually 72% of US troops are against the occupation. She also talked about their diversified activities criticizing the military recruiting operations targeting poor families. Her visit was a valuable one as the first opportunity to introduce IVAW and their activities to the Japanese. Please make good use of this DVD "Iraq Veterans Uprising" containing Patricia's words in her own voice. Footage: 25 minutes. Priced at \3000. Contact: MABUI CINE COOP (e-mail address: mabui1011@nifty.com)


 DVD「立ち上がるイラク帰還兵」が完成しました。全米各地で活発な反戦行動を繰り広げている「戦争に反対するイラク帰還兵の会(IVAW)」のパトリシア・マッカーンさんがこの夏、全交の招きで来日。IVAWの軍内外をむすぶ精力的な活動を具体的に紹介すると共に、彼女のイラク戦争体験を若者たちに語りました。パトリシアさんは、米軍兵士の実に72%が占領に反対している実態を明らかにし、また貧困家庭を狙いうちにした軍のリクルート活動を批判する様々な取り組みをしていることを、伝えてくれました。IVAWとは何か、どんな活動をしているのかを初めて紹介する貴重な訪日でした。パトリシアさんの肉声を収録したDVD「立ち上がるイラク帰還兵」をぜひご活用下さい。25分・3000円。(マブイ・シネコープ) 問合せ先(メール mabui1011@nifty.com )

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