On June 2, some 50 workers, victims of their dispatching and fixed-term contracts early-termination, and their supporters participated in the Let’s Meet the Car Company’s Presidents Tour. The tour started with such energy that participants managed to burst into the front desk of Mitsubishi Fuso’s head office in Kawasaki (see photo). Afterward, the tour went on to visit the five major car companies including Isuzu, Nissan, and Toyota. At each company, protesters held companies accountable for unreasonably getting rid of non-regular workers, and demanded that the disputes be resolved. Shuto Seinen Union Secretary General Kawaze received live coverage from Hiro Matsumoto, a former member of satirical comed group called Newspaper. The Secretary General said that “These companies have laid workers off, driven them out of their dorms, and left workers by the wayside with no explanation whatsoever”. The companies have continued to reject the union’s requests for collective bargaining. Tour participants included JIMU and Hino Motors Union among others. (Written by Chie Matsumoto). (photos taken by Kenichi Kita).

6月2日、約50名ほどの派遣・期間工切りの被害にあった労働者と組合関係者が参加する「自動車会社の社長さんに会いたいツアー」は、川崎の三菱ふそう本社受付まで強行突破する勢いで幕をあけた(写真)。バスツアー一行はその後、いすゞ・日産・トヨタなど、大手自動車会社5社をめぐった。各社で非正規労働者をモノのように使い捨ててきた責任をせまり、争議解決を求めた。元コント・ニュースペーパーの松元ヒロ氏の実況中継を介し、首都圏青年ユニオンの河添誠書記長は「人を切り、寮からも追い出して路頭に迷わせておきながら、説明もしないのか」と、団交拒否し続ける会社に対して、話し合いに応じるよう要求した。ツアー参加は、他にJMIUと日野自動車ユニオン。(松元千枝) *撮影=北健一
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