On May 20, the first seminar on Working Poor Senryu was held at Tokyo's MediR. About 30 people gathered to fill the venue with high interests in critiquing and a preview of a movie "Tsuru Akira: Tracing his Thoughts" (Directedby Seijiro Koyama; screening to begin in July). The movie illustrates a life of Tsuru Akira, who led the Proletariat senryu movement during the war. It also introduces a number of senryu poems depicting people suffering from poverty and unemployment and workers' lives during the war of aggression. Many participants said that the life of Tsuru Akira during the oppression was impressive and they were touched, and that they wanted more people to watch the movie because the situation is similar to the current recession. Younger audiences said they wanted to see the vulnerable side of Tsuru Akira though they were impressed with his honest lifestyle. (ByM) Photo from critiquing session led by Rankiryu.

5月20日、東京・メディアールの「ワーキングプア川柳」講座第一回が開催された。映画「鶴彬ーこころの軌跡」(神山征二郎監督・7月公開)の試写と合評ということで関心は高く、会場満杯の30人が集まった。映画は、戦時下にプロレタリア川柳運動を起こした鶴彬(つるあきら)の生涯を描いたもので、貧困・失業にあえいでいた民衆・労働者の生活や、侵略戦争の本質を詠んだ句が随所に紹介されている。上映後の合評では、「あの弾圧の時代の中で鶴彬の生き方はすごい。胸打たれた。いまの経済不況の時代にも繋がるもので、多くの人に観てほしい」という声が多かった。若い人からは「まっすぐな生き方はよかったが、鶴彬の弱い面など違った側面も見たかった」との意見もあり、様々な角度から議論が続いた。(M) *写真=乱鬼龍氏の司会で合評会
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