Junior high school teacher Miyako Masuda was dismissed for teaching the truth of "invasion". In an attempt to reverse the dismissal, she took the Board of Education to court. On June 11th, however, the Tokyo District Court Judge Hiroshi Watanabe dismissed the plaintiff’s claims and unfairly ruled against her. The ruling was blindly based on the arguments made by the Metropolitan Board of Education. On this day, some 80 supporters turned out - a number that nearly double the visitor’s gallery capacity. When the unfair ruling was announced, there was an instant outcry from the supporters. Ms. Masuda resolutely said "I can’t accept this ruling. Despite the Metropolitan Board of Education being unable to prove that I was an incompetent teacher, the courts will not reverse the dismissal. I can only assume that the judge himself is the incompetent. This has made my resolve to continue fighting even stronger". Written by M. Link to video on UnionTube. Photo: Masuda is on left.

「侵略」の真実を教えたことを理由にクビになった中学教師・増田都子さんが「分限免職処分取消」を求めた裁判で、6月11日午後、東京地裁・渡邊弘裁判長は、原告の主張を全てしりぞける「不当判決」を下した。判決は、都教委の言い分を丸のみしたもの。この日、傍聴席の2倍をこえる支援者約80名が集まった。「不当判決」の報が伝えられると裁判所前では、抗議の声が一斉に上がった。増田さんは「信じられない判決。都教委は裁判で私が不適格教員だと証明できなかったにもかかわらず。これは裁判官こそが不適格だということ。断固としてたたかう」ときっぱり語った。(M)・動画(UnionTube) *写真=左が増田さん
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