Sunday, April 7, 2013

A company that educates people dismiss them!—Casual instructors at Ichishin cram school go on strike



 Japanese cram school, Ichishin Gakuin has reduced salary of instructors on limited-term contract, unfairly dismissed two of them and enforced retirement age of 51. Eight workers on limited-term contract went on strike on March 31 in protest of the attack from the school.
 “When my children are entering high school, I get dismissed,” one of the members of Ichishin Branch of National Union of General Workers, Tokyo Tobu, said. “Is it OK for a company that educates people to abandon people unfairly like this?” he expressed anger toward the company on the day of the strike. Although the school agreed to a collective bargaining session with the union and told the members to come this day, the shutter was closed and the staff did not intend to meet. They broke the promise. About 100 members and supporters moved their action to the main headquarters in Ichikawa City and demanded that the company abolish 51 retirement age, reinstate the two dismissed members and discrimination against instructions on limited-term contract. By Chie Matsumoto
 Photo=a union member reads demands to the company representative.

非 常勤講師の給料削減、不当解雇、51歳定年制などをはじめ、次々と非正規労働者の労働条件を削減してきた学習塾・市進学院で、3月31日、全国一般東京東 部労組の市進支部組合員8名がストライキを決行した。「子どもたちが中高に進学する時期に、解雇された」というのは、東部労組市進支部組合員のひとり。 「人を育てる会社が、こんなふうに不当に人を切っていいのか!」と、スト当日、会社に対して怒りをぶつけた。学院は、組合の申し入れに応じるとしておきな がら、当日になって入口のシャッターを閉鎖し、約束を反故にした。市川市にある本社前には、東京東部労組の組合員や支援者ら100名ほどが集まり、2名の 解雇撤回、51歳定年制の撤廃や講師の差別をやめるよう求めた。(松元ちえ) 

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