Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Supreme Court rules tour agency respect worker rights of tour guides

The Supreme Court ruled on Jan. 24 that the tour agency Hankyu Travel Support (HTS) pay overtime to its tour guides. One of the labor disputes that lasted for six years demanded that the company respect overtime hours of the tour guides. HTS had long failed to pay overtime hours because it regarded these hours as regular working hours. The union expressed its appreciation to all the supporters. This was a landmark victory for the tour guides nationwide. With this verdict, another legal dispute that was pending will confirm its verdict in the lower court. (By SUGANO Ari, the National Union of General Workers, Tokyo Tobu)
 Photo: the union members and their lawyers express joy in front of the Supreme Court.

旅行添乗員HTS支部が完全勝利!~「偽装みなし労働」残業代請求裁判 最高裁で判決!

旅 行添乗員で組織する東部労組HTS(阪急トラベルサポート)支部が「事業場外みなし労働」を「理由」とする残業代の不払い(偽装みなし労働)撤廃を求めて 6年間闘ってきた全3つの裁判のうちのひとつに1月24日、最高裁で判決が言い渡されました。組合完全勝利の判決です! ご支援いただいたみなさま、本当にありがとうございました! 最高裁も自ら判断・みなし労働の適用を否定「『労働時間を算定し難いとき』に当たるとはいえない」2審高裁判決が確定! 歴史的判決!!(東京東部労組・菅野存)  
*写真=最高裁前 喜びの当該・弁護団

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