Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Storm will never stop, Mr. Abe—3,000 people surround Diet in protest against secrecy law

 “Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in December that he ‘felt the storm has passed’ but that’s a misunderstanding,”  TAKADA Ken, a member of the committee to demand abolishment of secrecy law, said at the protest. “We hold the votes. We will never allow this type of evil law. We should let Abe know that today, on the day the Diet convenes.” Thousands of people with slogans and banners crowded in front of the parliament in the afternoon as the Diet convened on January 24. At 1:30 p.m., some 3,000 people completed a human chain that surrounded the Diet building. About 50 people came from Nagano City to join the protest. In the meantime, a nationwide network to oppose secrecy law was officially formed by 32 groups across Japan. This marked the first step of the struggle against the Abe administration, which leads Japan to become a country with the right to wage war by revising its pacifist constitution. Abe has announced that he intended to promote Japan’s right to collective action. NHK, Nihon Broadcasting Association, reported on the protest, but it only aired Abe’s speech during the 7 o’clock news without mentioning the human chain. (By M)


「安 倍さんは昨年12月秘密保護法が通過した翌日に“嵐が過ぎさった感じ”と述べた。とんでもない勘違い。私たち主権者はこの悪法は許さない。国会開会日の きょうそれを突きつけよう!」。廃止実行委員会の高田健さんが声を張り上げた。午後1時すぎ、国会周辺にはプラカードやゼッケンを付けた人々でごった返し た。昨年の熱気は収まることはなかった。午後1時半、「国会はヒューマンチェーンでつながりました」のアナウンスが流れた。総勢3千人が取り囲み「秘密保 護法廃止」のコールを上げた。長野からも50人が参加したが、この日32団体による「秘密法に反対する全国ネットワーク」の発足が発表された。「集団的自 衛権解釈変更」をはじめ戦争できる国へ暴走を続ける「安倍政権」。それを止めるたたかいの第一歩が始まった。マスコミ各社が取材、NHKはウェブニュース で伝えたが、午後7時の定時ニュースでは安倍演説のみで「包囲行動」には触れなかった。(M) 

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