Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Report from Henoko, Okinawa (Jan. 12 – 15, 2015): People’s protest continues

January 12
At night, I met the leader of the protesting canoeists, SASAKI-san, who was just released from arrest. He was going to join a protest action at the gate to Camp Schwab of the United States military base all night long. The action was also joined by young members of a trade union for construction workers.

January 13 
The riot police gathered in front of the gate. The US military and the Japanese Government seemed to start the construction of a new base at Henoko. In response, we occupied the gate with our protest songs and dances, and satires. Our protest succeeded in stopping thirty construction vehicles from leaving the Port of Naha for Henoko.

January 14
We were continuously successful in occupying the gate. Some local activists came to support us at 5am but there were no riot police. On this day, Mayor INAMINE Susumu of Nago City, where Henoko is located, joined the protest. However, even more surprising were pupils from Hokkaido who came here after they had watched a film “Hyoteki no Mura (The Target Village)” as a part of peace education. Before, they only knew a famous aquarium and beautiful sea about Okinawa. Their visit to the gate encouraged and impressed us, including Mayor Inamine. YAMASHIRO Hiroji, one of the leaders of the protest action, calls the occupy tent “Henoko University” as all speeches made here are very informative and educational, covering not only politics and economy but also the environment, medicine and others.

By MOCHIZUKI Yoshiharu

抗議の市民が続々と集まってきた!~1.15 辺野古現地レポート



1 15日、私は深夜の攻防には参加できず、ゲート前到着は午前8時少し前でした。入口から抗議者は排除されたが、そのあとは機動隊がゲートを封鎖している状態。山本太郎さんが吠えまくっていました(写真)。ツイキャス生中継のツイート数は4000を超えたとか。機動隊の包囲による拘束で84歳の女性が転倒、後頭部を打って倒れこんでいました。警察は救急車を呼ばず、こちら側が呼ぶと妨害をしていました。いいかげんにしろよ……。今日はゲート前に三宅洋平さんも来てくれた。参議院選挙や知事選ではいろいろありましたが「オール沖縄」の仲間です。また、昨年末の総選挙で当選した沖縄四区の仲里利信さん(無所属)が登場。地味だが「ぶれない」すごさが伝わってきます。(望月吉春) 

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