Zennikken Solidarity Union, a construction
industry union led by KIKUCHI Susumu with a membership of 3,000, carried
through strikes all around Japan to demand the withdrawal of the cabinet of the
Prime Minister ABE Shinzo as well as the scrapping of the “War Bill” on
September 11, 2015. The strikes were waged in approximately 30 ready-mixed concrete facilites, such as
the Kanto region in which Tokyo, Japan’s capital is located, Shizuoka, and the
Kansai region. In addition, working people in nine prefectures joined the
action by demonstrating and collecting signatures at major railway stations. FUKUSHIMA
Mizuho, the deputy head of the opposition Social Democratic Party, came to the
Hommoku Pier in Yokohama City to support the striking workers. At a concrete
works in Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, delegations of the South Korean
Construction Workers Union also joined the strike. In the Kansai area, six
concrete workers unions – the JFT (Japan Federation of Transport Workers
Unions), the UA Zensen (Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food,
Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions), the Osaka Local of Zenkowan
(All Japan Dockworkers Union), the Kansai Local of Kenkoro (All Japan
Construction, Transport and General Workers' Union), the Kinki Asso (pumping)
Union, and the Kansai Concrete Local of Zennikken Solidarity Union, jointly
carried out a street action in front of Osaka Railway Station beyond the
framework of trade union national centers. (KOYANO Takeshi, Secretary General
of Zennikken)
全日建(全日本建設運輸連帯労働組合・菊池進委員長 3千人)は9月11日、戦争法案の廃案、安倍内閣の退陣を求める全国統一ストライキ行動を実施しました。関東、静岡(写真)、関西のセメント出荷基地や生コン工場など30カ所ほどの拠点職場が始業時から2時間の時限スト。ほかにも一斉休暇や残業拒否などでターミナル駅での街宣・署名活動をおこなうなど、合計9都府県の職場が統一行動に参加しました。横浜の本牧埠頭にあるセメント出荷基地のスト現場には、社民党副党首の福島みずほ議員が激励にかけつけ、静岡県富士市の生コン工場にはおりから来日中の韓国建設労組の代表団もストに参加。関西では生コン関連6労組交通労連生コン産労、UA、全港湾大阪支部、建交労関西支部、近畿圧送労組、全日建関生支部)が、ナショナルセンターの枠をこえて大阪駅頭で共同の街頭宣伝をおこないました。(全日建書記長・小谷野毅)
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