Thursday, October 8, 2015

No pasaran! (They shall not pass!) ~ congressmen’s cars blocked by die-in

A local public hearing on the war bills was held in the morning of Sept. 16 at the Prince Hotel in front of Shin-Yokohama Station, the citizens continued to protest against forcible passage of the war bills. There were more than 500 protesters, including the citizens from nearby Yokohama City, union members of Kanagawa Prefecture and also members of the “National University to protect Article 9” and “Mothers No War.” As the hearing went on, the crowd grew. Many protesters proceeded to the hearing place, raising hand-made signs and chanting, “Japan renounced war 70 years ago,” “Stop creating reasons for war,” and so on. After the hearing, people’s outcry not to pass the war bills started in front of the hotel. One after another--they lied down on the road to block the black cars that were driving lawmakers to the parliament. The police pulled out the demonstrators one by one. In the confused situation, the crowd continued to chant, “No pasaran! They shall not pass!”  (MATSUMOTO Chie)


 戦 争法案の地方公聴会が開かれている新横浜駅前のプリンスホテル周辺では、9月16日朝から市民が戦争法案・強行採決に抗議の声をあげつづけた。近隣の横浜 市民や神奈川県内の労働組合、国立大9条の会、戦争させないママの会などから500人以上の抗議者が集まった。公聴会が進むにつれ参加者がふくれあがっ た。みな手作りのプラカードを掲げて公聴会場に向かい、「戦争しないと70年間決めてきた」「戦争の理由つくるのやめよう」などと声をあげた。公聴会が終 わったあとプリンスホテル前では、「採決やめろ」の市民の猛抗議が始まった。次々と道路に寝転んで、議員の黒塗りの車を阻止しようとした。警察隊はごぼう 抜きで弾圧した。騒然としたなか「ノーパサラン!奴らを通すな!」のコールが続いた。(松元ちえ) 

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