A new social security and tax number system will start from January 2016 and a personal identity number will be allocated to everyone from this October. There was a rally held in Tokyo on 3rd October to oppose the introduction of this new system. 400 people attended the rally sponsored by “Citizens’ network seeking to abolish social security and tax number system” and held in Miyashita Park, Shibuya. One of the twelve representatives of the network, SHIRAISHI Takashi, made the main speech. He has been called to meetings all over Japan and has spoken about the dangers of this system. Under this system, citizens will be able to apply for an identification card called “My Number” and if over 80% of the people gets the card, then everyone has to always carry the card. He said that there was a steady rise of interests in the new system, although many people are still unaware of the system. (Y)
マイナンバーの通知開始が目前に迫る10月3 日、東京・渋谷で制度に反対する集会とデモが開かれた。
白石孝さんから主催者挨拶があった。同ネット12人 の世話人の一人。「全員が
世界最悪の システムと言える。もし国民の8割がカードを受け取れば、その所持
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