Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Anti-nuke World Social Forum discusses Japanese government’s responsibility for nuclear clean-up

World Social Forum held in Tokyo on March 27 featured former nuclear plant workers from France, Ukraine, South Korea and Japan to discuss current issues of radiation exposure. “We have 24 nuclear plants in South Korea,” KIM Doo Cheon of South Korea said. “Casual workforce takes up nearly 40 percent at these plants. They face unstable employment, low wage and lack of work experiences. This is directly related to nuclear safety.” IKEDA Minoru, who worked at heavily radioactive Fukushima Daiichi Plant after the disaster, expressed anger by saying, “Some of my colleagues in the same work team earned between 9,000 yen and 16,000 yen. Even though the nuclear plants are highly radioactive and dangerous, wages are set lower than decontamination work. The problem is with outsourcing by TEPCO at multiple levels. Some 50,000 workers have come and gone, but there is no insurance after retirement. Workers are treated as disposable workforce.” The panelists unanimously agreed that the government should take responsibility of the nuclear clean-up and pursue direct employment of workers.” The same panelists are to further discuss the issues on the following date. (By M)
photo: IKEDA on the right


かれ、活 発な報告・討論が行われた。「被曝労働問題の現状」の分科会では、
フランス・ウクライナ・韓国・日 本の元作業員が実態と問題点を報告した。韓
国のギム・ヅチョンさんは「24基が稼働している韓国。非 正規労働者の割合が4
「同じチームで9000円の人もいれば16000円の人もい る。原発は線量が高いのに
除染作業より賃金が安いなど矛盾だらけ。東電の下請け構造に問題がある。 こ
る。議論で一致した のは「原発の収束作業は国の責任で行い、直接雇用が原
則」ということ。28日も同じメンバーで「国際 シンポジウム」を行い、議論を

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