Wednesday, April 6, 2016

No end to the struggle; YAMASHIRO Hiroji appeals at anti-nuke rally

“If the US base at Henoko was completed, the ‘shithead’ would definitely send Japan to war, no doubt. Are you OK with that?” Yamashiro of Okinawa Peace Action Center, who is one of the leading anti-US base activists from Okinawa, asked the participants at a major anti-nuke rally held in Tokyo on March 28 with slogans, “For nuclear free future” and “In solidarity with Fukushima! Protect our lives!” Many activists and intellectuals including KANDA Kaori, SAWAJI Hisae and KAMATA Satoshi spoke. “We can’t be feeling despair because there is no end to this struggle,” Yamashiro said, raising his arms in the air.(By KINOSHITA Masaaki)
Youtube 3 minutes


ローガンに掲 げ、東京・代々木公園で3つの会場に分かれて大集会が行われた。
それぞれの会場で神田香織、澤地久 枝、鎌田慧らの文化人や地方からの活動家
がスピーチしたが、なかでもこの日のために沖縄からかけつ けた「基地・軍隊
博治 さんのスピーチに会場は沸いた。山城さんは「辺野古が完成すれば間違い
なく、あのクソッタレ、戦争 に走るでしょう。それでいいのか、みなさん!」
ているヒマはないん だ!(木下昌明)
動画(集会 3分)

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