Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kill the discrepancy in casual work contract〜Postal workers demand equality

Postal workers, truck drivers and subway vendors gathered on Nov. 6 in Tokyo calling to eliminate discrimination against casual, non-regular workers. The workers have each filed a lawsuit against their companies that treat them differently from regular, permanent employees, claiming it is a violation of Labor Contract Law Article 20, which stipulates that no worker be discriminated against if s/he performs the same job.
 Japan Post with the nation’s largest casual workforce of 190,000 people, which takes up about half of its total workforce, does not guarantee any paid sick leave, summer or winter holidays to non-regular workers. Working conditions are worse for casual, contractural workers, who get paid less even though they do the same job as the regular employees.
 “Even though we lost the district court case against Nagasawa trucking company, we should and can fight back,” said a labor lawyer, NATSUME Ichiro, cheering on the struggling unionists at the rally. Following the lawyer’s speech, the union members presented a skit that explained the discrimination that exists between regular and non-regular employees. It was entertaining, but as we laughed, we began to feel angry about how much casual workers are discriminated against. (By M) *Photo=Lawsuit plaintiffs  Youtube

非正規差別の是正を求めてたたかっている「郵政ユ ニオン」が、116日、東京・文京区民センターで「労働契約法 20条裁判の勝利をめざす交流集会」を開いた。郵政の職場は、非 正規の期間雇用社員がいまや約半分(19万人)を占めている。同 じ仕事でも処遇は正社員より劣悪で、賃金だけでなく正社員にはあ る有給の病気休暇や夏期・冬期休暇は、期間雇用社員にはない。 その是正を求めた「労働契約法20条」裁判が、いま山場を迎えて いる。集会の第一部では、棗一郎氏ら担当弁護士が報告し「長澤 運輸控訴審敗訴の逆風もあるが跳ね返していこう」と檄を飛ばし た。当該の原告たちは元気いっぱいで、差別の実態を「正社員と非 正規の会話」という形の寸劇で訴えた。あまりの待遇の違いに笑 いを誘ったが、観ているうちに「同じ仕事なのにこんなに違ってい いのか」とふつふつと怒りがわいてきた。(M 
動画(寸劇 9 分) *写真=裁判の原 告たち

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