All Freeters Union (Part-timer, Arbeiter, Freeter & Foreign Worker Union) formed a union, Cabaret/Club Union, for people working in the liquor business, followed by a press release on December 22, starting at 14:00 p.m. at the reporters club at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to announce the foundation of the union (see the photo). This union aims to eliminate discrimination and prejudice toward "the liquor business" (entertaining and catering business) as well as to correct illegal labor practices such as penal systems imposing large amounts of penalties, checking off and others forced upon workers as "nightspot norms." On December 27, they will launch a cabaret/club hot line for providing consultation to workers in the business. (From 12:00 to 22:00 on 27th at 03-3373-0180) Also, they plan to hold intensive consultation sessions after the New Year Day. Before despairing at the outrageousness of the liquor business, I hope people will visit the Cabaret and Nightclub Union for consultation.
A Cabaret and Nightclub Union supporter, Yu Negoro

水商売で働く人々のための組合 「キャバクラユニオン」結成!
フリーター全般労働組合は水商売で働く人々のための労働組合「キャバクラユニオン」を結成し、12月22日14時から厚生労働省記者クラブにて結成記者会見を行なった(写真)。この組合は、「水商売」(接待飲食業)で働く人々に向けられてきた差別や偏見を廃し、多額の罰金制度や天引きなど「夜の常識」として強いられている違法な労働慣行を是正するためにつくられた。今月27日には、同業種で働く人々の相談にのる「キャバクラホットライン」を開設する(27日12時から22時まで:03-3373-0180)。また、年明けには集中相談会なども行う予定。水商売の理不尽さにあきらめる前に、是非キャバクラユニオンに相談をして欲しい。(キャバクラユニオンサポーター 根来祐)
1 comment:
clear is just, whether as workers, and rock are also have the backing of a union, would be nice if there were those in many other jobs, good for them congratulations.
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