The Labor Festa 2009 was held on December 19, lively with a theme, "To Create, to Change and to Enjoy." The Women's Plaza in Shibuya, Tokyo, hosted 220 participants, who fully enjoyed the workers' festival. Held as an event marking the end of the year, the Festa in 2009 was its eighth session. This time, particular efforts were put into the music project entitled "Let's Create and Sing Labor Songs" as well as the presentation of senryu, or satirical version of haiku, attracting attention since the previous year, that were submitted by senryu lovers among the general participants. Literary arts, music and images ― each of those works exhibited that day was as fine as any others. I am appreciating the impression anew that we have so many talented people among brothers and sisters fighting together. "Struggle creates culture, and culture gives strength to struggle." Exactly as a leaflet sold at the site says, I had a fulfilling day with deep realization of the infinite potential of workers and citizens. (Y) Photo flash * Photo: Awards being announced for excellent senryu pieces

「つくる・変える・楽しむ」をテーマに2009年の「レイバーフェスタ」が12月19日にぎやかに開催された。東京・渋谷のウイメンズプラザに220人が集い、働くものの祭典を存分に楽しんだ。一年の締めくくりを飾るこのイベントも今回で8度目。今年は、昨年来注目を浴びつつある川柳の公募作品の発表と「レイバーソングをつくろう・歌おう」と題した音楽企画に、特に力を入れた。文芸、楽曲、そして映像。この日披露された作品は、どれも甲乙つけがたい素晴らしいものばかりだった。こんなに才能あふれる人々が、闘う仲間のなかにまだまだたくさんいるんだと、私は感動を新たにした。「闘いは文化を生み、文化は闘いを進める」、会場で新発売された冊子にある言葉そのとおりの、労働者・市民の無限の可能性を実感した、充実した一日だった。(Y) 写真速報 *写真=川柳賞の発表風景
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