Monday, September 9, 2013

Letters from Fukushima children read at Aozora program

On August 12, Eri read letters from children in Fukushima in front of the TEPCO main office. She appeared on the “Aozora (Open-air) Program of LaborNet, which was on air from the Anti-nuke tent in front of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry on August 16 and read some more letters. Here is one of them. “I am a third grade elementary school boy from Fukushima City. I want to be a member of the Japan National Soccer Team in the future. But right now we cannot play soccer in Fukushima. When will the radiation disappear? Can I be a grown-up? I want to play outside, right away. I don’t want to live apart from my family any more. I don’t want to be away from my friends, too. Please help us!” Eri couldn’t stop sobbing while she was reading the letter. People in front of the tent shared the feelings of children in Fukushima. “I will continue reading the letters at various occasions. I want to send the message especially to grown-ups who are indifferent to what’s happening in Fukushima.”, commented Eri firmly. Diet member FUKUSHIAMA Mizuho and MATSUE Hiroto, director of Fukushima Cooperative Clinic, also appeared in the program.(M)

812日に、東電前でたった一人で「福島の子どもたちの手紙」を読んでアピールしたエリさん。16日のテントひろば「あおぞら放送」に出演し、何人かの手紙を紹介した。「福島市小3男の子。僕はしょう来サッカー日本だい表になりたいです。でも今の福島では、いっぱい練習できません。いつになったらほうしゃのうはなくなりますか。僕は大人になれますか? 早く外であそびたいです。家ぞくがはなれてくらすのもいやです。友だちとはなれるのもいやです。どうか僕たちをたすけてください」。読み始めた途端、涙が止まらず嗚咽しながら朗読するエリさん。テントひろば前に福島の子どもたちの思いがジーンと伝わってきた。「これからもいろんな場所で、手紙を読んでいく。とくにいまなお無関心の大人に伝えたいから」と、エリさんはきっぱり語った。放送では、福島みずほ議員・松江寛人院長(福島共同診療所)も出演し、大いに語った。(M 

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