Tuesday, August 26, 2014

“Don't sell reactors to India nor elsewhere!” - Indian activist joins the anti-nukes protest at PM's Office

”Stop nukes, Abe! Or quit!” echoed the powerful voice of Misao Redwolf, a leading activist of the weekly demonstration in front of the Prime Minister's Office, to the rhythm of drums. On August 8, Kamar Sandaram, an activist from India, called for solidarity among citizens opposing to nukes in Japan and India, with a sign saying “Don't sell reactors to India or anywhere else in the world!” in Japanese. “Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Damodardas Modi is scheduled to visit Japan in the end of this month. He and Japanese Prime Minister, ABE Shinzo, are promoting the nuclear agreement between the two countries. Let us, the peoples of the two countries, promote solidarity between ourselves to stop the pro-nuclear moves by the governments,” he urged.  The activist of Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace was fresh back from the trip to Futaba-machi, Iidate-mura and a few other towns devastated by the disaster of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.  “I was surprised to see many evacuees living in the temporary settlement even three year after the disaster. If a nuclear accident happens in India, the situation would be much worse because the social security system is poor and the government is corrupt and unreliable,” he said.  (By M)    
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「安倍晋三は原発やめろ!やめられないならお前がやめろ!」。ドラムのリズムに乗せて、ミサオ・レッドウルフさんのドスの利いたコー ルが官邸前に響いた。この 日(8/8)の「再稼働反対!金曜行動」には、インドの反原発活動家スンダラム氏(写真)がやってきた。手には「インドにもどこにも原発を売るな!」のプ ラカード。スンダラム氏は、きのうまで福島の双葉町や飯舘村を回ってきたばかりだった。「原発事故から3年も経っているのに、未だに避難し仮設住宅に住ん でいる人々の実態を目の当たりにして驚いた。もし同じことがインドで起きたら、もっとひどい状態になるだろう。インドでは社会福祉も劣悪で政府が腐敗して いるからだ。8月末にはインドのモディ首相が来日し、安倍首相と日印原子 力協定を推進しようとしている。こうした動きを許さず、日印民衆はともにたたかお う」と呼びかけた。(M

 写真速報動画(YouTube 4分半)

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