Sunday, April 19, 2015

No to all restarts! Fukui District Court issues temporary injunction against the restart of the Takahama Nuclear Power Plant

On April 14th, presiding judge HIGUCHI Hideaki of the Fukui District Court issued a temporary injunction against the restart of Takahama Nuclear Power Plant. Just before 2pm, the entrance to the Court was packed with reporters and supporters. Members of the plaintiff team came rushing out of the court, spreading  banners saying “The court says no to the restart!” “The law is still alive!” Supporters outside the Court welcomed the historic decision with cheers and applause. Representating the plaintiff lawyers, KAWAI Hiroyuki said, “This decision is wonderful and more elaborate than the ruling against the restart of the Ohi nuclear power plant by the same judge, because it states that the new safety standards set by the Nuclear Regulation Authority lack rationality. We can say that it says no to the restart of every nuclear power plant.” (MASAKI Toshu)

 4 14日、福井地方裁判所、樋口英明裁判長はは高浜原発運転差し止め仮処分を命令した。小雨の降り続く地裁前は、判断が示される午後2時前には、各地から 駆けつけた支援者やマスメディアの取材陣でごった返していた。定刻に申し立て団のメンバーが旗立て。「司法が再稼働を止める」「司法はやっぱり生きてい た!」。支援者から拍手と歓声が湧き起こる。弁護団共同代表の河合弘之、海渡雄一弁護士は、「先の大飯原発訴訟での判断よりさらに緻密になった素晴らしい 判決だ。規制委員会の新規制基準そのものが合理性を欠くと判断しており、単に高浜原発だけでなく、すべての原発にノーを突きつけたものということができ る」と述べた。(報告:正木斗周) 

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