Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Cheers echo for Okinawa Governor at the Prime Minister’s Office

Under the warm sun on April 17, carp-shaped banners were flying at the pole in the Prime Minister’s Office, where the first talks were held between Okinawa Governor ONAGA Takeshi and Prime Minister ABE Shinzo. Citizens assembled in front of the Prime Minister’s Office and took the immediate action to “cheer for Governor Onaga.” Despite the short notice the previous night, more than 200 people and the press swarmed the area. The Diet members from the Social Democratic Party and the Japanese Communist Party joined the action. One of the participants who found the action via Twitter said to a reporter, “Prime Minister Abe should grant the Okinawans’ claim against the new U.S. base, instead of putting on a show before his visit to Washington.”  They kept calling, “Keep going! Governor Onaga! No! U.S. base!” in a loud voice in the hopes of reaching the Prime Minister’s Office where the talks were taking place. (By M)

暖 かい日差しのなか、鯉のぼりが掲げられている首相官邸。4月17日の午後、翁長沖縄県知事と安倍首相の初めての会談がここで開かれた。この情報を知った市 民たちが「翁長知事を激励しよう」と官邸前に集まり、緊急行動が取り組まれた。前日夜の呼びかけにも関わらず、官邸前は市民とメディアでごった返し、 200人は軽くこえた。社民党・共産党の国会議員も駆けつけた。ツイッターで知った参加者は「訪米のためのアリバイ会見ではなく、安倍首相は沖縄の基地反 対の訴えをちゃんと受け入れてほしい」と記者に語った。会談中の官邸に聞こえるように「大きな声」で、「翁長さん頑張れ!基地はいらない!」の大コールが 続いた。(M)  

動画(YouTube 2分)

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