Staff with poor sales records are forced to stand on a stage to be bullied
by managers in front of all the colleagues in office meetings; the sales quotas
imposed on employees are unrealistically high; managers threaten staff by
yelling at them all the time: These are examples of manifestation of the
extraordinary workforce management in Japan Post, one of the largest evil
employers in Japan, that have driven some of its employees into suicide from
overwork. One out of six board members of the company are aged 65 or above, but
13000 non-regular workers of those ages were terminated the employment because,
according to the company, “workers older than 65 are inferior to younger ones
in terms of capability and tend to cause accidents.” The company is currently
involved in nearly 20 cases of labor disputes and law suits. Meanwhile, the
company is planning to list on the stock market in fall this year. Workers of
the Japan Post started a campaign on June 17 to demand settlement of all the
labor disputes before the stock listing. More than 100 workers and supporters
participated in the sit-in in front of the main office, but the company fueled
the anger of them by refusing the demand statement from them. In the rally held
on the day, it was revealed that the chief of a post office in Koga, Ibaraki
Prefecture, had threatened the collection and delivery staff by saying “I have
killed a staff member working for me before.” The chief named Sukegawa is the
manager who was supervising the worker of a post office in Saitama who
committed suicide from overwork in 2010. Workplaces in the Japan Post are
indeed abnormal. (by M)
見 せしめのお立ち台、営業ノルマ、怒鳴りあげる管理者。異常な労務管理のもとで、過労自死が起きている日本郵政の職場。役員の6人が1人が65歳以上にもか
かわらず、「65歳 を超えると能力が劣り事故が増える」という理由で、非正規社員13000人 を「65歳雇い止め解雇」した日本郵政。いまや20近くの争 議・裁判が起きている労働者使い捨て企業だ。こんななか会社は今秋に株式上場を計画している。郵政労働者は、「株式上場などとんでもない。まずは全争議を解決せ
よ」と迫るキャンペーンを6月17日 に開始した。本社前には100人以上がズラリと座りこんだ。会社は要請書 さえ受け取りを拒否する態度で、改めて参加者 の怒りを買った。またこの日の集会で、さいたまの「過労自死」に関係していた助川・古河郵便局長が「俺は一人殺したことがある」と集配職員を脅迫したこと