Wednesday, June 24, 2015

25000 surround the Diet in opposition to war legislation

An unprecedented number of people participated in the Human Chain Action to Stop War Legislation in the afternoon of June 14. The huge crowd flooding out from the exits of three subway stations near the Diet were mostly composed of middle-aged and older people, but youths and families were also found. ”Prime Minister Abe is so terrible that I couldn’t help but coming to do something,” said a woman with a sign saying “Don’t destroy the country, PM Abe!” in her hands. In the rally held in front of the main gate, speakers expressed their anger at the administration’s explanation and answers to questions in the parliamentary debate over the collective self defense right. Among them was a university student from Okinawa. ”The society will change if we, the young, speak out. I am determined to defend the article 9 of the constitution. I will never allow them to build a new U.S. military base in Henoko. Let’s change the society of this country together!” Her speech was received with a thunderous applause. All the people taking part in the action were able to hear the speeches made in front of the main gate, thanks to the 57 amplifiers that the organizer placed around the Diet building. “No war legislation!””Resign, Abe!” Some 25000 participants chanted together bearing the same desire in mind. by M


国会周辺の3つある地下鉄駅出口は人並みであふれた。6月14日午後「とめよう!戦争法案 国会包囲行動」には、かつてない規模の人々がやってきた。中高年の層が目立つが、若い人や家族連れもいた。「安倍首相!この国を壊すな!」のプラカードを 持った女性は、「安倍のひどさに何とかしなくてはという思いで来た」という。正門前集会では、この間の集団的自衛権をめぐる安倍政権の答弁・対応に怒りの 発言が続いた。沖縄の学生が登壇。「若い人が声を上げれば社会は変わる。九条を絶対に守る。辺野古に基地を絶対につくらせない。一緒に日本社会をどうにか していきましょう」と訴えると大きな拍手が起きた。この日は57個のスピーカーを国会周辺に配置したため、集会の声はすべてに行き渡った。約2万5千人の 参加者は心を一つにして「戦争法案反対」「安倍はやめろ」の声を上げた。(M) 
写真速報動画(5分52秒)写真報告(shinya)TBSニュース朝日新聞見聞録(牧子嘉丸)動画(沖縄学生の訴え 7分34秒)写真(堀切さとみ)


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