Saturday, June 6, 2015

15000 surround Diet protesting against construction of new U.S. Base in Henoko

An unprecedented number of protesters, all wearing something blue, gathered at Diet on May 24 to oppose the construction of a new U.S. military base in Henoko, Okinawa. The human chain they formed around the Diet building were double or even triple in some places. Rallies were held in four places where the participants gave talks, played music, chanted slogans or displayed photos. The whole area looked like a ‘liberated zone.’ Nago Mayor INAMINE Susumu took part in the action and spoke in the rally that took place in front of the main gate. ”At present, the Abe administration is forcibly going ahead with the preparation of construction, taking advantage of the approval the previous Okinawa governor gave them. However, they need to get another approval from the governor to start the actual construction. Since it is impossible for them to get a new approval from the incumbent governor, they will never be able to build the new base, “ the mayor stressed in his speech. 15000 participants of the action completely surrounded the Diet building a little after 3 pm, clearly showing that not only people in Okinawa but also many in the mainland are strongly opposed to the construction of the new base in Henoko. (By M)

 524日の「辺野古新基地建設に反対 する国会ヒューマンチェーン」はかつてない規模になった。国会周辺の歩道は、シンボルカラーの青を身 につけた人々の二重三重の輪ができた。4つのエリアでは集会が開かれ、 トーク・音楽・コール・写真展示 などがあり賑やか。国会周辺が「解放区」状態になった。稲嶺名護市長が国会正門前集会でマイクを握っ た。「今は前知事の承認をタテに安倍政権は工事を強行しているが、本工事の時に改めて知事の承認が必 要になる。この承認は不可能で、新基地は絶対にできない」と強調した。この日は15000人 が集まり、午後 3時すぎ完全に国会包囲が実現した。「辺野古基地はいら ない」は沖縄の民意だけでなく、本土の人々の民 意でもあることが示された。(M

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