We arrived at Le Republique around 11:40 on Nov. 29 for a protest against COP 21, ban on demonstration and the anti-terrorism summit and made an appeal together with Koreans and Japanese who are involved in Anti-nuke World Social Forum (photos). “Abe and Park should go home!” “We need no nuclear power plants or nuclear weapons,” we spoke at the plaza, which drew a lot of attention. The Japan-France summit was scheduled that day, when the Japanese Prime Minister ABE Shinzo would make an appearance to declare the war on terror. We must protest his arrival! Gathered at the plaza were people involved in an action against climate change, protection of indigenous people’s rights, solidarity movement with the Palestine and anarchists. Riot police blocked the street, but the protesters sought to break the barricade. More people joined after a human chain. (Report: World Social Forum to Abolish Nuclear Energy and Effect of Radioactivity)
11 月29日のパリ「COP21」と、「デモ禁止令」「対テロ戦争首脳会談」抗議行動の報告です。私達は11時40分ごろにレピュブリック広場に着き、韓国人 の人達と、「反核世界社会フォーラム」に関わる日本人とで、合同で横断幕を広げてマイクアピールしました(写真)。「安倍と朴クネは帰れ!」「原発も核兵 器もいらない」です。大変注目されました。まさに今日が日仏首脳会談で安倍が対テロ戦争を宣言しに来る。抗議しよう! 気候変動の運動、先住民運動、パレスチナ連帯運動やアナキストのグループら多種多様な人々がまずは広場を練り歩き、場を温める。通りを全て機動隊が封鎖す るが、運動側も虎視眈々と突破口をうかがう。ヒューマンチェーンを終えた人々が続々合流する。(報告=核と被ばくをなくす世界社会フォーラム実行委員会)
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