On December 22nd, a protest
action was held in front of the main office of Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. in
Saitama Prefecture. The action started with a Korean protest song.
KIM Eunhyong took the mike. “Sanken Electric Co., Ltd.
is a big company with a capital of 2.08 billion Yen and over 10 thousand
employees. There is no reason to sack 34 workers at its Korean subsidiary. The
main company is making a profit, so it can help the Korean subsidiary. Sanken
claims to be an environment-friendly company; how can it ruthlessly dismiss
workers?” She went on to explain that the company sent the dismissal notice to
workers’ home while they were working. “Sanken destroyed the trust of our
family members”, she finished her appeal in tears.
December 27th, the Gyeongnam Local Labor Commission ruled that the
dismissal of 34 Sanken workers were unfair and that they should be reinstated.
On the other hand, the Commission rejected the union’s claim that there was an
unfair labor practice on the side of the management. (Support Group for Korean Sanken Workers)
韓国サンケン使用者側の生産職勤労者大量解雇は不当だという地方労働委員会の判定が出てきた。慶南地方労働委員会は12月27日、 韓国サンケン解雇者34人が使用者側を相手に出した不当解雇救済申請を受け入れた。それと共に使用者側に解雇者の復職を注文した。ただし地労委は、労組が提起した使用者側の不当労働行為は棄却した。地労委はこの日、労使2次審判会議を終えて、労使双方にこのような結果を通知した。韓国サンケンは昌原市馬山会原区の馬山自由貿易地域内で LED照明などを生産している。日本サンケン電気の子会社で100%日本資本投資企業だ。韓国サンケン労使対立は、
昨年の賃金・団体交渉の過程で、双方が意見の差を見せ、強まった。(クッキーニュースより) 続き・韓国サンケン関連記事一覧
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