Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Down with Abe and Aso, main culprits of “Falsification of official documents”! – Protest in front of the Prime Minister’s Office

Many people gathered in front of the Prime Minister’s Office in protest in the evening of March 12, 2018 after the falsification of official documents was exposed. Many carried placards expressing their anger against Prime Minister Abe, “Down with Abe”, “Abe Cabinet is over”, and “Abe is the main culprit”. Some others had placards saying, “Media, we are behind you”, supposedly showing their support to the recent good job of the media about the disclosure of the scandal. One of the participants clearly said, surprised of the increasing number of people, “Everyone is so angry at Abe. There is no way that he will continue to be the prime minister”. KAYAMA Rika, a psychiatrist, appealed, “Japanese society has leaned to the right and been filled with hate speeches since Abe took office. The Abe Administration has forcibly enacted bad laws such as the War Law. This time, he is tainted with scandals. We are fed up with the Abe Administration that has continued for 5 years. We demand Abe resign”. The most remarkable chant was “Down with Abe and Aso (Finance Minister), rather than Sagawa (former Ministry of Finance official and the former Commissioner of the National Tax Agency, involved in the scandal)”. Our struggle to kick out Abe and Aso, the main culprits, has started. (M)  

「公文書改ざん」主犯の安倍と麻生は許さない!〜3.12 官邸前緊急大抗議

公文書改ざんが明らかになった312日夜。官邸前には怒りの市民が続々と集まり、歩道はぎっしり埋まり長い列がつくられた。呼びかけは旧シールズのメンバーら。プラカードには「安倍はやめろ」「アベ内閣は終わり」「トカゲの頭 主犯安倍」など安倍への怒り一色だった。なかに「メディアよ がんばれ」のプラカードもあった。この間頑張ってきたメディアへのエールに違いない。ある参加者は続々と増える人に驚き、「完全にみんな頭にきているね。安倍の命脈はほとんどない」と断言した。香山リカさんはスピーチで「安倍になってから世の中が右翼的になりヘイトスピーチが街に溢れかえった。戦争法など悪法を無理やり通した。そして今回のモリカケ。5年続いた安倍政権にこれ以上我慢できない。私たちの手で安倍政権にやめてもらおう」と訴えた。ひときわ目立ったコールは「佐川じゃなくて安倍・麻生がやめろ!」だった。いよいよ主犯の安倍と麻生をひきづり下ろす闘いが始まった。(M

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