The fifth annual general meeting of the
Support Coalition for Fujibi Dismissed Workers was held in Arakawa City, Tokyo on
February 21st. The representative of the Coalition, KUBO Satoshi, announced,
“There was a meeting with the Fujibi Co. yesterday, and we finally settled the
case.” In 2012, 18 workers were unfairly dismissed by printing company Fujibi
Co. . The representative of the Fujibi Division of the National Union of
General Workers Tokyo Union, KOGANEI, told the supporters; “We fought on for
five and a half years, with a belief in workers’ solidarity and the conviction
that the center of the struggle is on the work-floor and in the community. It
was a hard struggle, but a precious experience, on which we will build our
future movement.” Division Secretary NAKAHARA Junko,
reflected on the long hard struggle; “Our hardship started with the company’s
bankruptcy, followed by seven defeats in the Labor Relations Commission and
courts. Finally, there was a defeat in the libel case brought up by the
company, where we were ordered to pay 3.5 million Yen in compensation. This
ruling included a preliminary execution declaration, so we were constantly
facing the danger of a compulsory execution. Now, our long struggle is finally
over. I am really proud of my co-workers who stuck together for five and a half
years.” (OZAWA Kuniko)
2月21日、東京・荒川区のムーブ町屋ホールで開かれたフジビ闘争支援共闘会議第5回総会で、議長の久保聡さんから 「昨日会社側と和解協議があり、解決に至りました」と報告があった。当該の全国一般東京労組フジビグループ分会の小金井分会長は「労働者の団結と連帯、そして闘いの現場は社前にあり地域にあり街頭にある。それを信じてこの5年半を闘ってきた。きついけれど貴重な体験をした。この経験を今後の運動に生かしていきたい」と話した。中原書記長は「破産から始まり、都労委の不当命令、スラップ訴訟の最高裁上告棄却など8回の不当決定、不当命令、不当判決を受けながら、ひるまずにやってきた。スラップ訴訟の地裁判決は仮執行宣言がついていたので、いつ強制執行があるかわからないという思いの中で、現在まで続いていた。やっと終わった。この5年半の闘いを共に闘いぬいた仲間たちと共に、誇りをもってこのフジビ闘争をやり切った思いでいっぱいだ」とあいさつした。(尾澤邦子)
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