Friday, October 25, 2013

Raise Voice against Osaka Police's Suppression on Citizens Opposing Revision of Public Assistance Regulations!

Osaka Prefectural Police searched on Oct. 10 the offices of three civic organizations working in protection of the rights of welfare assistance beneficiaries. The organizations are All Japan Federation of Organizations for the Protection of Life and Health (Zenseiren) and two others that are based in the prefecture. The raid was apparently intended to intimidate groups and individuals involved in the nation-wide activities against the reduction of welfare benefits and the revision of two major public assistance regulations. In order to protect the rights to public assistance, let's fight back against such suppression and escalate efforts to stop the passage of the public assistance revision bills.  (By K) 
* The statement issued by Osaka Federation of Organizations for the Protection of Life and Health upon the incident is available in Japanese on the Labornet Japan web site.


10 月10日、生活保護受給者の権利を守る活動を展開している「全国生活と健康を守る会連合会」や「全大阪生活と健康を守る会連合会」、「淀川生活と健康を守る会」が大阪府警によって家宅捜索された。これらは、全国で起こされている生活保護基準切り下げ反対の運動、生活保護改悪2法案に反対する運動の一翼を 担ってきた団体への弾圧であることは間違いない。生活保護の権利を守るためにも、これらの弾圧を跳ね返して、生活保護改悪2法案を廃案に追い込もう! K

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