Thursday, October 10, 2013

‘We want to resolve dispute by the end of this year’—Philippine Toyota workers

  President and vice president of Toyota Motor Philippines Co. Workers Association met with Toyota officials in Aichi Prefecture and Tokyo to demand that the world’s top automaker settle the long-standing labor dispute at an earlier date. The union president Ed Cubelo has returned to Japan almost every year for more than 10 years to stage a protest at Toyota’s Aichi and Tokyo headquarters. This year, he and Japanese supporters took a trip to Aichi on September 22-23. Labornet TV interviewed the two workers about the changes in their struggles. Since the International Labor Organization issued a recommendation to Toyota to stop union busting, the Philippine government began taking a step forward. Toyota also withdrew a criminal lawsuit against the union in May.”This is a big step toward resolving the dispute,” Cubelo said. “We want to enhance our actions so that we can conclude this dispute hopefully by the end of this year.” (By M) 
Photo: TMPCWA president and vice president raise their fist in front of Toyota Tokyo headquarters. Youtube

フィ リピントヨタ労組のエド委員長(左)とウィニー副委員長(右・被解雇者)が、919日に来日した。2001年の233人の大量解雇・組合つぶし事件の解 決を親会社トヨタに求めるためである。来日行動はすでに10年を超え、日本の支援者とともに9/2223には、愛知本社に乗り込む。20日午後、レイ バーネットTVはトヨタ東京本社前で2人にインタビューした。この一年の変化は?の質問に「国際機関ILOが組合弾圧をやめよという厳しい勧告を出したこ とで、フィリピン政府も動き始めた。また今年5月に会社が刑事事件裁判を会社が取り下げたが、これは解決に向けた大きなステップ。今年中の解決をめざし て、運動を強めたい」。日焼けした顔に自信をこめて話す二人が印象的だった。(M
インタビュー動画(6分) *写真=トヨタ東京本社前でこぶしを上げる二人

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