Thursday, October 10, 2013

Anti-Racism March on Tokyo; the day Japan showed its conscientiousness to the world

 It has been two weeks since Japan made a successful bid to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics by issuing the statement, to the world’s astonishment, that the contaminated water leakage at Fukushima has been completely controlled.   What’s happening now in Japan is that the nation allows the contaminated water called racism to go unchecked as well as the radioactive water.  In order to clear the dark clouds, Anti-Racism March on Tokyo was held on September 22 in Tokyo.  Led by those who got dressed up to pay their respects to the March on Washington, which took place 50 years ago, the demonstration had people from all walks of life including LGBT and drum bands. They all created a cheerful atmosphere. Unlike the racist demonstration giving off a hate-filled atmosphere, the March on Tokyo received cheerful waves from the onlookers along the roadsides. Particularly when the march passed through Shin-Okubo, Korean town in Tokyo, people cheered enthusiastically. Under splendid fall weather, this was such a hugely successful rally that everyone felt we are united brothers and sisters.           (by Makiko Yoshimaru)

福 島原発事故の汚染水は完全にコントロールされたと、世界を瞞着してオリンピック招致して2週間。放射能どころかレイシズムという汚染水までを、野放しにま きちらしているのが日本の実態だ。この暗雲を吹き飛ばすべく「差別撤廃 東京大行進」が9月22日に東京で開催された。新宿中央公園を出発したデモは第4梯団までできる長蛇の行進。第1梯団は50年まえのワシントン大行進にリ スペクトすべく正装で、以降はサウンドデモあり、ゲイパレードあり、ドラム隊ありのにぎやかさで、参加者も多種多様である。邪悪なオーラを発するレイシス トのデモとちがって、沿道ではどこでも手を振って応えてくれる。とくに大久保のコリアンタウンでは熱い声援を送ってくれた。秋晴れのもと、人間みな兄弟を 実感した一日であり、まさに大成功の集会だった。(牧子嘉丸)

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