Thursday, October 10, 2013

Protest Against Japan-U.S. Joint Military Drill with Ospreys~800 Gather in Aibano

On September 29, a gathering against Japan-U.S. joint military exercises was held in Aibano Exercise Area of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (GSDF) in Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture, with Ospreys to be deployed. Under strong sunshine as if midsummer, about 800 people gathered in protest. People talked enthusiastically and unanimously about the circumstances that military exercises in Aibano have surely been more enforced than ever before, while others said we needed a new united front. After the gathering they marched around Omi-imazu Station. In front of the SDF base, they passionately chanted slogans. “I feel encouraged to have a big assembly like this,” YAMASHIRO Hiroji said. “I am pleased to see that there is still a respectable mass movement and a peace movement in this country.” (MASAKI Toshu) 


9 29日、滋賀県高島市の陸上自衛隊饗庭野演習場で予定されているオスプレイを使った日米合同軍事演習に反対する集会が現地で開かれた。真夏のような強い 日差しのもと、およそ800人が集まった。饗庭野での軍事演習が、これまでとは違い確実に強化されてきているという現状分析、新たな統一戦線が必要だとの 認識が、口々に熱く語られた。集会後は近江今津駅周辺をデモ行進。自衛隊基地の前ではシュプレヒコールもひときわ高まった。山城博治さんは、「これほど大 きな集会になったことを心強く思う。まだこの国にはちゃんとした大衆運動、平和運動があるのだとうれしく思った」と語ってくれた。(正木斗周) 報告動画(YouTube


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