Friday, November 28, 2014

‘Let’s be friends!’ ---‘The March on Tokyo’ calls for anti-hate speech, no more discrimination

Tokyo No Hate 2014 set off from the park in front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office and through the busy streets of Shinjuku calling for anti-hate speech and elimination of discrimination on Nov. 2.
 Hate speech is
defined as words and actions that promote discrimination on the basis of attributes such as race, ethnic origin or sexual orientation that one cannot change by their own will, a woman leading the marching called out. We are protesting against hate speech because it tramples on the democratic rule of law and destroys the social justice.  The rally participants accompanied by a Korean marching band called, Chango Rap, and other bands were holding signs that read, Lets be friends! No Hate! which drew most attention from the onlookers along the roadsides. A year has passed since the Anti-Racism March on Tokyo in September last year. An increasing number of such anti-hate speech campaigns as this one is pushing the government to deal with the issue, ARITA Yoshifu, a member of the House of the Councilors, told reporters. Some 2,800 people joined the protest, according the organizers.(M)


11 月2日午後「東京大行進2014」は、東京都庁前の公園をスタートし、オープンカーを先頭に新宿繁華街を一巡して「差別撤廃・ヘイト反対」を訴えた。デモ の先頭では女性がマイクで呼びかける。「ヘイトスピーチとは、人種・民族・性的指向性など本人の意思では変えることのできない属性を対象に差別を煽る行為 です。私たちはこれに反対します。ヘイトスピーチは民主主義のルールを踏みにじり、社会の公平性を破壊する行為だからです」。デモ隊の人たちは、吹奏音楽 隊・チャンゴ・ラップなど多様な音楽と「なかよくしよう」「ノーヘイト」などのプラカードでアピール、沿道の注目度は抜群だった。有田芳生参院議員は「昨 年9月の大行進から1年、こうした反ヘイト運動の高まりが国会を動かしつつある」と記者に語った。参加者は2800人(主催者発表)だった。(M) 写真速報動画(YouTube 5分)ムキンポ写真館アメーバニュース「東京大行進2014」HP

No! to Sexual Violence ~ global campaign against Julien Blanc spreads

 A campaign against a pickup artist Julien Blanc (photo) spread globally to bar him from entering Japan and other nations.
Blanc, who sexually harasses under the name of pick-up across the world, has been refused entry into many countries including UK, Brazil and Germany. His visa was revoked in Australia.
 Blanc acts as a self-proclaimed pick-up artist in a group called Real Social Dynamics (RSD). Blanc and other RSD men hold expensive boot camps for $2,500 and workshops for $25 around the world, where they teach the technique to pick up women. The subbed video footage supposed to be shot at his workshop and spreading on the internet, has drawn attention from men and women alike.  In this video, Blanc explains to his audience that they only have to trick women in Tokyo.
Blanc was scheduled to arrive in Japan around November 15~17. However, regarding his performance as sexual violence, the petition addressed to the immigration office to ban Blanc from entering Japan is gathering momentum. More than 50,000 signatures were gathered. (MATSUMOTO Chie)


 “ナ ンパ”と称して、世界中でセクハラ行為に及んでいるジュリアン・ブランク(写真)が来日するのに際して入国拒否運動が広がっている。ブランクはReal Social Dynamics(RSD)という団体のもとで、自称「ナンパ師」として活動する男性。2500ドルもする“ブートキャンプ”や25ドルのワークショップ を各国で開催し、そこでナンパの仕方を伝授する。ワークショップの様子だと思われる字幕付き映像が現在ネット上で拡散され問題になっているが、そこでは、 東京でのナンパは「ハメるだけ」だと参加者に教えるブランクの姿がある。ブランクは、11月15日から17日にかけて日本に来日する予定だが、彼の行為を 性暴力だとして、入国管理局にブランクの入国拒否を求める署名活動がはじまり、これまでに35,000筆以上が集まった。(松元ちえ)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Nightmare behind the “Dream” – LaborNet TV: “What’s behind Disneyland?”

“Casts are sometimes injured or suffer from fatigue fracture. There is no danger allowance even when we are hanged to fly over guests (customers) for performance. Even on March 11, 2011, when a devastating earthquake hit Tokyo Disneyland, it was impossible for us to stop performing as long as music was being played”. “An adult guest sometimes beats a Disney character. Disney performers are not treated fairly by managers or guests”. These are the comments of HAMAMOTO Morihiro and “White” (photo), casual workers at Tokyo Disneyland who appeared on LaborNet TV on November 12, 2014. Oriental Land Co., Ltd., which manages the theme park, has 20,000 employees, but 18,000 among them are working on a casual basis at an hourly wage of 1,000 yen (9 US dollars). Their contracts are renewed every year with possible sudden dismissal. Hamamoto himself was also fired and started up a union, insisting, “The workplace is like a minefield. Its service is inevitably reduced. It has to be improved so ‘Disney dreams’ come true”. (M)


「ショー中のケガや疲労骨折などもある。吊るされてお客さんの上をとんでも、危険手当無し。3.11地震のとき、空中で揺れた。しかし音楽が鳴っている限りショーをやめることはできなかった」「大人のお客さんが“縫いぐるみ”を殴ることもある。経営者からもお客さんからも、パフォーマーは人間扱いされていない」。 1112日のレイバーネットTVに出演したディズニーで働く非正規労働者(浜元盛博さん・ホワイトさん/写真)は、夢を売る企業の実態を赤裸々に語った。運営会社のオリエンタルランドには、2万人が働いているが18000人は時給1000円の非正規の人たち。1年更新で何かあるとすぐ「雇い止め」だ。 自身も「雇い止め」され、ユニオンを立ち上げた浜元さん。「危険がいっぱいの職場。サービスも低下している。夢を売るためにも職場改善を」と呼びかけた。 M

In protest against across-the-board dismissal based on age: Examination of an witness at court

On November 12, 2014, the fourth examination of a witness of a lawsuit over the age of retirement of casual postal workers was held at the Tokyo District Court. The 77-year old plaintiff who was working at the Mitaka Post Office in a suburb of Tokyo said, referring to his recent experience to climb up Japan’s third highest mountain (Mt. Okuhotaka) alone, “I have done my best to anything, based on my motto ‘No work, no pay’. This dismissal is just like I am told, ‘It is meaningless for you to work’. The only reason of my dismissal is that I reached the age of 65. Such a discharge is unreasonable”. (NIWA Yoshiko)

<> Report 
* Photo: Appeal in front of the court

